A microcontroller is a small, low-cost, integrated circuit designed to manage a specific task in an embedded system. Essentially a tiny computer on a chip, a standard microcontroller has a processor, memory, and input/output (I/O) peripherals on a semiconductor integrated circuit chip. Developed and put to use by an engineer at Texas Instruments in the early 1970s, microcontrollers are used in an assortment of computer-linked systems and devices. In some devices, there are usually several microcontrollers that work together to handle the specific tasks within a device.
Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers: Embedded Design by Interactive 13
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José Luis Blanco-Claraco worked on the design and set-up of the electronic boards and firmware implementation, Antonio Giménez-Fernández and José Luis Blanco-Claraco implemented the computer software for communications and the SDK for interfacing the devices, Javier López-Martínez and José Luis Torres-Moreno designed and built the mechanical test-beds used in the experimental sections. All authors contributed to the manuscript writing and to the interpretation of experimental results. 2ff7e9595c